Feature Usage Tutorial
Open Account & Activation
Open Account Online
Open a savings account and access services online for those of you who don't have a BTN Bank account.
How to Open a BTN Account Online with balé by BTN
Click “Login”
Select “I don't have an account yet”
Select “Create New Account”
Choose a Savings Product
Read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
Upload e-KTP
Fill in Personal Information and Address according to e-KTP
Verify the OTP sent via email
Verify the OTP sent via SMS
Job Information Content
E-Channel Registration
Prospective Customer makes MPIN
Prospective Customer creates User ID & Password
Prospective Customer reviews the summary
Prospective Customers perform E-KYC verification
Open Account Successfully
Select “I don't have an account yet”
Select “I don't have an account yet” and find the account opening information.
Select “Create New Account”
a. “Open New Account” or
b. If you already have a registration/reference number, then select “Continue Opening Account”
Choose a Savings Product
Please choose the product you want and agree to the terms & conditions.
Read and agree to the Terms & Conditions
Check the Terms & Conditions approval box
Upload e-KTP
Prospective Customers continue the account opening process by uploading E-KTP photos.
Fill in Personal Information and Address according to e-KTP
Complete your identity information.
Verify the OTP sent via email
Type in the OTP code that comes to the email you registered with the BTN Mobile app.
Verify the OTP sent via SMS
Type in the OTP code that comes via SMS with the mobile number you registered on the BTN Mobile application.
Job Information Content
Complete your current employment information. If you are a housewife, student, or unemployed, the Monthly Income and Source of Funds fields are optional.
E-Channel Registration
Fill in the SMS Notification and ATM Card information that you will receive.
Prospective Customer makes MPIN
Enter the 6-digit number that will be the validation code for every transaction you make via BTN Mobile.
Prospective Customer creates User ID & Password
Enter a combination of letters and numbers of at least 8 digits. User ID & Password will be used when logging in to BTN Mobile.
Prospective Customer reviews the summary
Make sure the data filled in is correct and in accordance with your identity
Prospective Customers perform E-KYC verification
Perform face verification by following the image capture instructions provided.
Open Account Successfully
Process completed and account opening notification will be sent via email

balé by BTN Activation
Activate balé by BTN for your account to facilitate transactions anywhere and anytime.
Never installed balé by BTN
Have installed/reinstalled balé by BTN
Open Second Account Online
Open a savings account and access services online for those of you who don't have a BTN account.
How to Open e-Deposits with balé by BTN
Open the balé by BTN Application
Select Category
Select Product
Fill in Data
Data Confirmation
Enter MPIN
Successful e-Deposit Opening
Open the balé by BTN Application
Download and open the balé by BTN application to open an account online and select "I already have an account"
Select Category
Select a category and click "e-Deposito" to make an investment.
Select Product
Please choose the e-Deposito product that suits your needs.
Fill in Data
Complete the required information and click "Continue" for the next process.
Data Confirmation
Make sure the information filled in is correct and matches your identity.
Enter MPIN
Enter your 6 digit MPIN to continue the e-Deposit opening process.
Successful e-Deposit Opening
The e-Deposito opening process is complete and download your advice.

How to Open Tabungan BTN Siap with balé by BTN
Open the balé by BTN Application
Select Category
Select Product
Do Approval
Fill in Data
Check Summary
Masukkan PIN
Account Opening Successful
Open the balé by BTN Application
Download and open the balé by BTN application to open an account online and select "I already have an account"
Select Category
Select the "Savings" category to select the intended savings product
Select Product
Select the "Tabungan BTN Siap" product to open your secondary savings.
Do Approval
Please read and agree to the terms and conditions for opening a savings account, then click "Continue".
Fill in Data
Enter the nominal deposit and time period you want.
Check Summary
Check the savings summary displayed on your screen, if correct, click "Save & Continue".
Masukkan PIN
Enter your 6 digit PIN to continue opening a Tabungan BTN Siap account.
Account Opening Successful
BTN Savings Account Ready to be successfully added and used for your transactions.

How to Open Tabungan BTN Felas with balé by BTN
Open the balé by BTN Application
Select Category
Select Product
Do Approval
Fill in Data
Check Summary
Enter PIN
Account Opening Successful
Select Category
Select the "Tabungan" category to select the intended savings product.
Select Product
Select the "Tabungan BTN Felas USD" product to open your secondary savings.
Do Approval
Please read and agree to the terms and conditions for opening a savings account, then click "Continue"
Fill in Data
Enter the conversion amount (USD) you want.
Check Summary
Check the savings summary displayed on your screen, if correct, click "Save & Continue".
Enter PIN
Enter your 6 digit PIN to continue opening a BTN Felas Savings account.
Account Opening Successful
Tabungan BTN Felas Account has been successfully added and used for your transactions.

How to Open Tabungan BTN Investa with balé by BTN
Open the balé by BTN Application
Select Category
Select Product
Do Approval
Fill in Data
Check Summary
Enter PIN
Account Opening Successful
Select Category
Select the "Savings" category to select the intended savings product.
Select Product
Select the "Tabungan BTN Investa" product to open your secondary savings.
Do Approval
Please read and agree to the terms and conditions for opening a savings account, then click "Continue".
Fill in Data
Enter the initial deposit amount you want.
Check Summary
Check the savings summary displayed on your screen, if correct, click "Save & Continue".
Enter PIN
Enter your 6 digit PIN to continue opening a BTN Investa Savings account.
Account Opening Successful
Tabungan BTN Investa Account has been successfully added and used for your transactions

Debit Online
Open a savings account and access services online for those of you who don't have a BTN account.
How to Debit BTN Online with balé by BTN
Open the balé by BTN Application
Select ATM Card Service
Fill in Data
Enter PIN
Select ATM Card Service
Click "ATM Card Services" in the settings menu.
Select "Online Debit Registration" to continue the registration process.
Fill in Data
Fill in the required information, such as NIK, telephone number, card validity period, and CVV
Enter PIN
Enter your 6 digit PIN to continue the Online Debit registration process