The Key to Sustainable Life Transformation
Application of principles and practices to achieve a balance between the needs, rights and interests of future generations
The Bank currently has an ESG COMMITTEE which has duties and responsibilities:
Provide decisions on Bank BTN's strategies that have an impact on the environment, social and community in the ESG Program and Roadmap;
Monitor the implementation of monitoring on the implementation of Bank BTN's ESG Strategy and Roadmap;
Provide information to Bank Management regarding all ESG-related issues including legislation, government programs, international developments, future business trends and climate change;
Monitoring, evaluating, and providing recommendations on the results of ESG reports, Investor Concern, or other third parties regarding ESG implementation;
Provide decisions regarding the objectives and instructions for implementing the TJSL Program, Mapping and preparing the TJSL Program, Evaluation of the implementation of the TJSL Program.
Apart from that, the bank also has a special ESG work unit which is under the Risk Management Directorate:

The Bank has implemented governance principles and practices by:
Cybersecurity & Data Privacy
Anti-Money Laundering and Prevention of Terrorism Financing
Whistle Blowing System