Deputy Branch Manager Business KC BTN Parepare Usman Nusu said that this tree planting activity was Bank BTN's appreciation to IAIN Parepare as a working partner and hoped that there would be further activities related to TJSL. "This tree planting is our initial activity as an appreciation for IAIN Parepare as our work partner, in the future there will be other activities related to TJSL, not only tree planting, but activities related to social
Tree Planting Activity Between Bank BTN and IAIN Parepare
19 May 2023
Deputy Branch Manager Business KC BTN Parepare Usman Nusu said that this tree planting activity was Bank BTN's appreciation to IAIN Parepare as a working partner and hoped that there would be further activities related to TJSL.

Tree Planting Activity Between Bank BTN and IAIN Parepare